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You elected me to get results. I will continue to build healthier communities and stronger economies. Below is what I accomplished in my first term. Each item was certainly not done by me alone but rather, through partnerships including with my fellow Commissioners and the La Plata County staff. I am honored to work collaboratively with so many entities and people, and will continue to in a second term.
Public Health and Mental Health
- establishment of the La Plata County Public Health Department; the County brought all SJBPH (San Juan Basin Public Health) programs over with 48 new employees + 49 new funding sources; local public health services started 1/2/24
- continued solution-finding re: the unhoused issues; closed and then cleaned up Purple Cliffs; fund Manna's Navigation Center (with the City); focused ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) dollars for housing and services for homeless teens and families
- developed through SWORD (SouthWEST Colorado Opioid Response District) a regional plan for opioid & substance abuse focused on recovery housing, supports and community-based solutions; State of Colorado Opioid Settlement funds are now being deployed
-supported first harm reduction program in the region to stop the spread of disease and reduce deaths due to overdose; those who use this program are 5 x more likely to then go on and get some type of substance abuse disorder treatment
-supported the launch of a mental health/law enforcement co-responder program carried by the LPC Sheriff's Office
-prioritized youth mental health for ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funding
Environment, Conservation, Renewable Energy
- directed $2M in 2024 to LPEAs solar garden acting as an "anchor tenant"; gives eligible families help with energy bills and helps the County meet State energy requirements
- replaced outdated oil and gas regulations with new ones; strongest on the Western Slope
- passed a new Energy Code for energy efficiency
- initiated and passed a State bill that set up a grant fund for closed land fill remediation costs
- pushed for more composting by the County at the La Plata County Detention Facility
- encouraging passage of a "gray water" policy for the County allowing the use of recycled water in defined circumstances
-leading the effort to find do-able roles for the County in climate resilience and sustainability (see our new Web page:
- purchased a new gravel pit on the west side of the county to provide cost effective gravel for decades
- completed road projects ; examples including repaving part of CR 501 and work on Florida Road and Wildcat Canyon
- decided not to move the Fairgrounds to Ewing Mesa due to costs and competing priorities; Fairgrounds Master Planning process is underway and a plan will be released the first quarter of 2025
- completing a multi-modal project with the City - re-doing 32nd Street as it merges into CR 250/251
- supporting Durango-La Plata County Airport terminal upgrades
- new roof for La Plata County Senior Center and Courthouse
- passed road impact fees so that new growth in the County pays its own way
- provided funding for a new water dock in Marvel
-working with the BOCC to identify long-term funding needs for the Road and Bridge Department
Housing, Strong Economy & Pandemic Recovery
- put 1A on the 2024 ballot; it was successful and will redirect money from lodgers' taxes to housing and child care (note: this is for lodgers' tax collected in the unincorporated county and in Bayfield and Ignacio but not taxes from the City of Durango)
-directed nearly $10M in housing to help La Plata County residents via grant matches; establishing a revolving loan fund
-directing assigned private activity bonds; and prioritizing ARPA money to housing
-obtained a State grant to help Westside and Triangle Mobile Home Parks with infrastructure upgrades
- partnerships for more workforce housing in Ignacio (Rock Creek) and Bayfield (Cinnamon Heights)
- partnering in the Regional Housing Alliance (RHA); facilitating/supporting more housing with units coming on-line
- leveraged State grant dollars for a program to help renters operated by La Plata Economic Development Alliance (LPEDA)
- supported a Catalyst Fund operated by La Plata Economic Development Alliance to help with affordable housing project pre-development costs
- improving broadband: east-county project on Hwy 151 with the Southern Ute Indian Tribe, LPEA and Archuleta County
- ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act); deploying millions of this one-time money meant to help with pandemic recovery to public safety; housing; broadband; homelessness; youth mental health; water infrastructure; education supports and more
Wildfire, and Healthy Watersheds and Lands
- Wildfire and Watershed Protection Fund (WWPF) kicked off in '21; mitigation and landowner assistance for the Florida River watershed offers cost-share grants; mitigated key County Road rights-of-way safely using State Prisoner Inmate crews; leveraged $2M in grant funding
- Appointed a Wildfire Advisory Board with their centerpiece project being a new Web Site:
- hosting, with CSU Extension, "Living Rural' sessions (3 so far) to help residents with wildfire, weeds, water, land stewardship practices, drought, and more, etc.; working on a 2025 series with partners (stay tuned!)
-working with stakeholders to deploy funds granted by the State for resource damages due to the Gold King Mine Spill (Natural Resource Damages)
Questions? Let me know and go to the "Contact" section.
Date: 1/25
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